Along for the Ride is a documentary film that explores the highs, lows, and ultimately the phoenix-like ascension of iconic Hollywood maverick Dennis Hopper, as seen through the eyes of his mysterious longtime “right-hand man,” Satya de la Manitou. 
Filmmaker Nick Ebeling chronicles the unlikely duo’s incredible 40-year journey, an enduring and intense brotherhood as intimately complex as Hopper’s own legendary career. De la Manitou re-examines his dedication to his friend’s idiosyncratic and uncompromising genius, reminiscing with a fascinating cast of characters—Hopper’s co-conspirators, family, and friends, including Frank Gehry, David Hopper, Ed Ruscha, Tony Shafrazi, Wim Wenders, David Lynch, Michael Madsen, Dean Stockwell, Russ Tamblyn, Linda Manz, Damon Albarn & Jamie Hewett, Julian Schnabel, and Dwight Yoakam.
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